Posted by : GS Aug 11, 2014

What would you do when you have a dickhead of a boss? Well, whatever you think you might do, murdering him/her should be in your list of possibilities. At least that's what the plan of these guys. Horrible bosses portrays the story of three guys who are dealing with miserable bosses. One day, they decide to end their misery and get rid of their bosses for good. Did they succeed? Watch out to find out but for the time being, let's take a look at some of the best quotes of Horrible Bosses.

Bobby: You're three hours late. What's the deal?
Kurt: I was at your father's funeral.
Bobby: Uh huh. Well, maybe that excuse would have flown when my dad was here, but I'm in charge now.

Nick: Where were you during the murder?
Kurt: I was making love. I was making love to a woman. You know, murdering some a**.

Kurt: I'd like to bend her over a barrel and show her the fifty states.

Kurt: You don't ******* punch the driver.
Nick: Yeah, you don't punch the driver, man.
Dale: I'm coked out of my ******* head, I can punch whoever I want to.

Dale: You don't put a playground next to a bar. That's entrapment.

Kurt: Your father told me very clearly that he would rather die than save money and hurt people.
Bobby: Well guess what, looks like we're right on schedule then.

Dave: Life is a marathon and you cannot win a marathon without putting a few bandaids on your nipples.

Detective: Do you want to explain why you were doing 61 in a 25 zone? One block from the victims house? Just moments after he got shot dead?
Nick: I was drag racing. I'm a drag racer.
Detective: You were drag racing?
Nick: (nods in positive).
Detective: In a Prius?
Nick: I don't win a lot.

Nick: I get to work before the sun comes up, and I leave long after it's gone down. I haven't had *** in 6 months with someone other than myself. And the only thing in my refrigerator is an old lime. Could be a kiwi, no way to tell.

Dale: Rape, Rape, Rape...this is what raping is. You're a raper, you've raped me. That's a rape, RAPE.
Julia: Oh, just relax there, Jodie Foster. Your **** wasn't even hard.
Dale: That does not give me any relief.

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